Truth In Fiction – Guest post by Claire Fullerton

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

My guest today is Claire Fullerton, author of A Portal in Time.  Today she shares her a little background to Dancing to an Irish Reel… and looks at a question Stuart and I are often asked about our books… just how much is true?

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I can’t say I didn’t see it coming. Now that my book, ‘’Dancing to Irish Reel” is out, I’m being asked the inevitable question, “How much of the story is true?” Everyone who knows me personally knows I picked up and moved to the west coast of Ireland without much of a plan, and that I stayed for a year. Add that to the fact that the book is written in the first person, that the narrator’s interior monologues in the story are unabashedly confessional to the point of unnecessary risk. I’ve been told the book reads like a…

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