Monthly Archives: August 2015

Shameless Self-Promotion


Do you ever watch the YouTube personal “vlogs” that  seem like bragging videos?  Sometimes I stumble across “vloggers” whose main reason for creating videos is to show off their lifestyle. We’re “treated” to tours of their apartments or homes, vehicles, their meals at restaurants, and parties.  The “vlogs” are basically selfies that go on and on.ShamelessPromotion-01

Although I’m glad that the vloggers have nice things and beautiful friends, I feel somewhat sorry for them.  Yet, I’m amazed that they accumulate views and subscribers and actually make money in such a narcissistic fashion. In my opinion, this type of output is extreme shameless self-promotion.  It veers into the realm of self-adulation.  I can only watch those videos for a few minutes before I bail out.

At the other end of the self-promotion spectrum are people who use their media skills to advocate for progressive, helpful ideas and causes.  Their “vlogs”, blogs…

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